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Dice Theme Park
2–4 players ● 60–90 minutes ● Ages 12+
RULES (v3.1)
This draft ruleset includes prototype and non-final component images.
In Dice Theme Park, you take on the role of an ambitious theme park owner. Expand and
improve your park with new rides and attractions, compete to attract the right mix of guests
on the futuristic monorail, and keep them entertained by recruiting staff to dress up as your
world-famous mascot. The more you can delight your guests, the more stars ★ you earn. At
the end of the game, the player who earned the most stars is the winner.
Hi! I’m Thelma, and I’m here to help you create the best theme park you
can. Watch out for me while reading the rules. I’ll give you some advice
when playing for the first time, and help you understand the trickier parts
of staff, building and operating the perfect park. Good luck!
Introductory game: For your first game, we recommend playing over 4 rounds without
the administrator and skill cards. Just follow the setup for the introductory game and skip
over the extra rules that explain the full game.
Full game: Once you are familiar with the game concepts and flow, we recommend
playing the full game, which include the administrator and skill cards, over 5 rounds. This
is the best and most complete Dice Theme Park experience!
Short game: If you enjoy the full game but are short on time, you can simply keep the
administrator and skill cards in the game, but play over only 4 rounds.
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● 1 main board
● 1 round marker
● 4 park boards
● 63 dice (21 in each of 3 colours)
● 1 bag
● 36 attractions (20 A tiles, 16 B tiles)
● 92 improvements:
○ 36 upgrades (12 merch kiosks, 12 special effects, 12 generators)
○ 32 maps
○ 24 mascots (6 per player colour)
● 92 cards:
○ 4 player aids
○ 24 staff (6 per player colour)
○ 10 objectives
○ 12 monorails
○ 12 administrators
○ 30 skills
● XX money in various denominations
● XX star tokens in various denominations
● 80 player pieces:
○ 4 turn order markers (1 per play colour)
○ 4 score markers (1 per player colour)
○ 4 ‘100★’/’200★’ score tiles (1 per player colour)
○ 68 operate cubes (17 per player colour)
Main board
1. Place the main board between the players.
Introductory game: Use the side with a round track of 4 spaces.
Full game: Use the side with a round track of 5 spaces.
2. Place the round marker on space ‘1’ of the round track.
3. Find the set of monorails that matches the number of players (in each case the
correct set contains one more monorail than the number of players) and put the other
monorails back in the box. Lay the monorails above the main board. The order of the
monorails does not matter.
4. Put the following number of dice in the bag. Put unused dice back in the box.
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2 players: 11 dice of each colour (put back 10 dice of each colour)
3 players: 16 dice of each colour (put back 5 dice of each colour)
4 players: 21 dice of each colour (use all the dice)
5. Randomly draw dice from the bag, one at a time, to fill all the spaces on the
monorails. Fill the monorails from left to right, filling each one top to bottom. As you
place each die, set it to the value shown on the space.
6. Shuffle the 10 objective cards. Deal 1 objective face up below each of the marked
spaces of the round track:
Introductory game: Deal an objective below spaces 3 & 4.
Full game: Deal an objective below spaces 3, 4 & 5.
In any game, you must not have two objectives with the same colour/letter code, so if
you deal a matching objective, discard it and deal a replacement. Put the unused
objectives back in the box.
7. Put all the money and star tokens in a common supply between the players.
The position of the round marker on the track on the main board reminds
you how far through the game you are. The objective cards represent
valuable ways to earn some extra stars ★ at the ends of their respective
rounds, but you will need to work towards them and keep an eye on your
Player sets
8. Each player takes a park board and player aid.
9. Each player takes 1 turn order marker, 1 score marker, 1 score tile, 17 operate
cubes, and a set of 6 staff cards, all of one player colour.
10. Each player takes money equal to $6 from the supply.
11. Put everyone’s score markers on the ‘0’ space of the score track on the main board.
12. Put everyone’s turn order markers on the turn order track, placing them left to right in
a random order (mix them in your fist and then place them one by one).
13. Keep your score tile, operate cubes, money and staff cards below your board. This is
called your ‘staging area’.
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Everything you do during the game can earn you stars ★. The player who
has the most stars at the end of the game wins! You’ll keep track of your
stars by moving your score marker on the track on the main board.
14. Each player takes 3 maps and 1 mascot matching their player colour. Put the
remaining map tiles and mascots in a common supply between the players.
15. Each player takes 9 upgrades: 3 merch kiosks, 3 special effects and 3 generators.
Put any remaining upgrade tiles back in the box.
16. Keep all your improvements (maps, mascot and upgrades) in your staging area. Flip
all your map tiles face up, with their ‘ready’ side showing.
You start the game with 3 maps and 1 mascot, which can help your
guests move around and visit attractions. You can get more each round.
Upgrades help you earn money and stars when you operate your
attractions, but you will need to pay to install them. You start the game
with 9 upgrades ready to be installed. You can’t get more.
If you are playing the full game, setup the administrator and skill cards as follows, otherwise
put these components back in the box.
17. Shuffle the administrator cards and deal 2 to each player. Each player chooses 1
administrator to keep, and returns the other. Put the unused administrators back in
the box. Keep your administrator card face up in your staging area. It gives you an
ongoing ability or objective.
18. Shuffle the skill cards and deal 2 to each player. Each player chooses 1 skill to keep,
and returns the other to the deck. Keep your skill card face up in your staging area
and place your mascot onto the card. The card gives your mascot an ongoing ability.
19. Shuffle the deck of skill cards again, and place it face down between the players.
Deal a number of face-up skill cards, equal to the number of players plus one,
between the players to form a display.
20. Sort the attraction tiles into 2 stacks: A and B. Shuffle the stacks separately and
place them face down between the players.
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21. Deal 2 attraction tiles from stack A to each player. Each player chooses 1 attraction
to keep, and returns the other to the stack. Shuffle stack A again once everyone has
returned a tile.
22. Add your attraction tile face up to your park, in one of the positions shown. You do
not have to pay its build cost.
23. Deal a number of face-up attraction tiles from stack A, equal to the number of players
plus one, between the players to form a display.
Your attractions are what makes your park unique. Each attraction gives
you a different opportunity to entertain your guests, and every time you do
you will earn stars. When picking an attraction for the first time, just
choose whichever appeals to you. They’re all good in different ways!
How to play
The game is played over 4 rounds (full game: 5 rounds). Each round has the following 6
In some phases, players must take actions in turn order, which is shown by the order, from
left to right, of the player markers on the turn order track. In other phases, players can take
actions simultaneously.
In some phases, actions are mandatory, meaning you must do all them. In other phases
actions are optional, meaning you may take all, some or none of them, if you wish.
1. Plan (mandatory, simultaneous)
Each player plays 2 staff cards. These determine the player’s position in the turn
order and their income. Each card also gives the player an ability they can use during
the round.
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2. Welcome (mandatory, in turn order)
Each player chooses 1 monorail, moves it to their park, and places the 3 guest dice
on their Park Entrance.
3. Expand (optional, in turn order)
Each player may do the following: build 1 new attraction tile, and recruit 1 mascot.
4. Improve (optional, simultaneous)
Each player may do the following: buy 1 map, and install up to 2 upgrades.
5. Operate (free choice, simultaneous)
Each player runs their park, operating as many or as few of their attractions in any
order they choose, until they have operated every attraction or choose to stop.
6. Upkeep (mandatory, simultaneous)
Each player takes the stars and money they earned running their park. If there is an
objective, it is evaluated. The players then get ready for the next round.
1. Plan (mandatory, simultaneous)
Everyone must choose 2 staff cards from their hand of 6 cards. Place your 2 chosen cards
face down in front of you. When everyone has chosen, reveal your cards.
You should consider the die value, monetary value, and staff member shown on each card,
all of which have an effect during the current round in different ways:
● Turn order: The sum of the two die values on your cards determines your position in
the turn order for this round. The lower the sum, the more likely you are to be earlier
in the turn order. Turn order is important when you take turns to choose a monorail,
an attraction and (in the full game) a skill during the Welcome and Expand phases
(phases 2 & 3).
● Income: The sum of the two monetary values on your cards determines how much
income you receive this round. You will also earn income from your Park Entrance
and some other attractions.
● Staff member: Each card has an ability that you can use during the round.
In later rounds, you may have a different selection of staff cards to choose from, including
multiple copies of the same card. In this case, you are allowed to play two copies of the
same staff card, if you wish.
In the first round, everyone has the same set of 6 staff cards to choose
from. During the Upkeep phase (phase 6), you will pass the 2 cards you
played to the player on your left, and you will receive the 2 cards played
by the player on your right. This is how, in later rounds, you may have a
different selection of staff cards to choose from, including duplicates.
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Turn order
Announce the sum of the die values on your 2 staff cards. Rearrange the markers on the
turn order track so that the players’ are placed in order, from lowest sum to highest sum,
going left to right.
If players are tied, the tied player who has so far earned the fewest stars wins the tie and is
positioned earlier in turn order, ahead of the other tied player. If tied players have earned the
same number of stars, reverse the existing order of the tied player’s turn order markers on
the track (in round 1, this order was randomly determined during setup).
In this example, Blue plays their Ticket Agent and Concierge cards. The sum of the die
values is 3. Green plays Concierge and Builder which have a sum of 7, and Yellow plays
Guide and Mascot which also have a sum of 7.
Blue has the lowest sum and is positioned first in turn order. Green and Yellow are tied. So
far, Green has earned fewer stars than Yellow, so Green wins the tie and is positioned
second in turn order. Yellow is positioned third.
Add the monetary values on your 2 staff cards together, and then add the income on your
Park Entrance ($1), and any income on your other attractions. Only grey attractions and
some attractions in the ‘B’ stack have incomes.
Take money from the supply equal to your total income, and add it to the money you already
have in your staging area. You do not receive income from merch kiosk upgrades in your
park. These can instead earn money during the Operate phase (phase 5).
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In this example, Yellow receives a total income of $8. Yellow played Guide and Mascot,
which have a combined income of $6. Yellow also earns $1 from their Park Entrance, and
$1 from their Helter Skelter attraction.
Staff member
Each staff card has an ability that you may use during the current round. Using an ability is
always optional. In later rounds, if you play 2 matching staff cards, you can either use the
ability twice (at the same or different times), or add the effects of the two abilities together.
Ticket Agent
Phase 6: Upkeep
Once during the Upkeep phase, you may take any one guest die of
value 1 that would otherwise be leaving your park, and return it to your
Park Entrance set to any value of your choice.
Phase 2: Welcome
Once during the Welcome phase, you may either increase the die
value of one new guest die arriving at your Park Entrance by up to +2,
or increase the die values of two new guest dice by +1 each.
Phase 5: Operate
Once during the Operate phase, you may move any one guest die from
any location to any other attraction, anywhere in your park.
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3. Expand (optional, in turn order)
Build attraction
In turn order, each player may choose one of the face-up attraction tiles in the display and
add it to their park. Each attraction has a build cost which you must pay immediately and in
full when you take the tile. If you cannot pay for a tile, you cannot take it. You may choose
not to build an attraction.
Every attraction has a name, an operate icon, an amenity icon, and an operation
requirement and star value at the bottom. Some tiles also have an income value, and may
have up to 2 spaces in which you can install upgrades. You will have the opportunity to
install upgrades during the Improve phase (phase 4).
Operation requirements
Each tile has a different operation requirement, which represents the number, value and
colour combination of guest dice that you must assemble on the attraction before you can
operate it during the Operate phase (phase 5). All operation requirements are explained on
page XX.
When choosing which new attraction to build, it can be helpful to think
about the colours and values of the guest dice already in your park. Can
you add a new attraction that will suit them? This is why it’s important to
understand the operation requirement of each new attraction. Will you be
able to earn stars by assembling the right mix of guests?
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If you played the Mascot staff card, you can use
part of the ability during this phase.
Pay $2 less when you recruit a mascot.
4. Improve (optional, simultaneous)
Buy map
You may buy exactly 1 map tile for $3. Take a map tile from the common supply and place it
in your staging area face up, with the ‘ready’ side showing.
Install upgrades
You may install up to 2 upgrades. When you install an upgrade, choose an upgrade in your
staging area and place it on an empty upgrade space on any attraction, anywhere in your
park. The cost to install an upgrade is shown on the space. You must be able to pay the
amount immediately and in full.
Each attraction can only have 1 of each type of upgrade. You can never install 2 matching
upgrades on a single attraction. After you install an upgrade it will operate in the current
round and in all later rounds. You cannot move or remove an upgrade after you install it
(unless you use the ability of the Builder staff card).
Merch kiosk
The attraction will now earn $2 each time it is operated.
Special effect
The attraction will now earn an additional 2★ each time it is operated.
The generator adds a second operate icon to the attraction. This means you
can operate the attraction twice in a single round.
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In the full game, you choose 1 administrator card during setup. Keep your administrator face
up in your staging area.
Phase 6: Upkeep
Once each round, if you discard a die of the depicted colour you may
put it back on your Park Entrance, set to any value.
Phase 5: Operate
Each time you operate an attraction of the depicted colour, you may
choose not to pip down one guest die of that colour in the assembled
Phase 6: Upkeep
Each round, earn an additional 1★, 2★ or 3★ if you have operated
at least 3, 4 or 5 different attractions of the depicted colour.
Phase 6: Upkeep
Each round, earn an additional 1★, 2★ or 3★ if you have operated
at least 6, 7 or 8 different attractions.
Phase 6: Upkeep
Each round, earn an additional 1★, 2★ or 4★ if you have at least 2,
4 or 5 mascots.
Phase 3: Welcome
Each round, after everyone has chosen a monorail, you may take a
single guest die from the remaining monorail and put it in your Park
Entrance without changing its value.
End of the game
Earn an additional 1★ for every $2 you have remaining, instead of
earning 1★ for every $3 as normal.
Phase 3: Expand
Each round, pay $2 less to recruit a mascot.
Phase 6: Upkeep
Once during the game, before you pass staff cards during the
Upkeep phase (phase 6) you may swap a card you played with one
in your hand. You must do this before you take the cards passed to
you by the player on your right. If you use this ability, put the
administrator card back in the box.
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In the full game, you choose 1 skill card during setup, and then gain an additional skill each
time you recruit a mascot. Keep your skill cards face up in your staging area. In each round,
each of your mascots is associated with a different skill card. If you use a mascot during the
Operate phase (phase 5) you may either adjust the value or colour of a single die, or use the
ability of its skill card.
Change the value of a guest die of the depicted colour by +2 or –2.
Change a guest die of the depicted colour from value 2 to value 5, or
vice versa.
Earn $2 for each guest die of the depicted colour on this attraction, up
to a maximum of $6. Take money from the supply immediately.
Earn 1★ for each guest die of the depicted colour on this attraction,
up to a maximum of 3★. Take star tokens from the supply
Move a guest die from this attraction to any adjacent attraction. You
may do this twice.
Move a guest die from any adjacent attraction to this attraction. You
may do this twice.
Move a guest die from this attraction to any attraction up to 2
attractions away.
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Designers: Daryl Andrews & Adrian Adamescu
With additional design elements by Mike Nudd
Solo game design: David Digby
Lead developer: Mike Nudd
Co-developers: Caezar Al-Jassar, Simon Milburn, David Digby & Brett J. Gilbert
Editors: Caezar Al-Jassar & Simon Milburn
Art & graphic design
Art: Sabrina Miramon
Graphic design: Sebastian Koziner
Editing & playtesting
Rulebook editors: Brett J. Gilbert & Simon Milburn
Proofreading: —
Playtesters: —
With thanks to: —
Player aid
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