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#141552: "blue player's score is correct"
notabug: Ez nem hiba
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Szabályok: A játék szabályának be nem tartása
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• A szabályok melyik részét nem vette figyelembe a BGA adaptáció
the blue player's score should be 10 and not 12; maybe he was given 2 points for The bonbvvivant, but the 2 equipments are not on the same thief• Ez a szabály áthágása látható a visszajátszásban? Ha igen, melyik lépésszámnál?
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Google Chrome v129
Bejelentés előzmények
2024. okt 11. 10:15 •
Kayvon • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2024. okt 11. 13:54 • In order to diagnose this, I need to know the move number on which the discrepancy started. Please wait until your game concludes, then use the replay to determine which move number the score got off track. Thanks.
generale1964 • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2024. okt 11. 22:25 • from 20 to 21
Kayvon • Ez nem hiba:
2024. okt 11. 22:45 • Between moves 20 and 21, the blue player played the Barber, which advanced the caper by two (+1pts) and meant he started winning the Eiffel location (+3pts). Accordingly, he went from having 3 points to having 7, which is a difference of 4, which is 1+3.
There's no bug here. Please refer to the player forums for further scoring questions and clarifications. There are loads of friendly players eager to help you out.
There's no bug here. Please refer to the player forums for further scoring questions and clarifications. There are loads of friendly players eager to help you out.
Kayvon • Ez nem hiba:
2024. okt 11. 22:45 • Report short description
"blue player's score is wrong"
changed to
"blue player's score is correct"
"blue player's score is wrong"
changed to
"blue player's score is correct"
generale1964 • Ez nem hiba:
2024. okt 12. 5:51 • sorry, but between 21 and 22 the blu player plyed “helping hand” on the Antique Shop and the score did go from 7 to 12 instead of 10? Why?
Kayvon • Ez nem hiba:
2024. okt 12. 6:31 •
2024. okt 12. 14:21 • As mentioned, I'm going to refer you to the player forum at this point. I've already invested a good amount of time analyzing the move that you confirmed and found no issue. This is a good opportunity to ask other players before assuming that the next move is also a bug.
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- Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.