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#18566: "Discard Pile Review / Speed 8 In Hand Icon"
acknowledged: A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta
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You should be able to review the played cards in the discard pile. Usually this is to see who has played their Speed 8 card yet. Alternatively (or additionally), it would be helpful if there were an icon on each players name plate if they still have their speed 8 in hand or not.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v81
Bejelentés előzmények
2020. jún 2. 19:49 •
Lymon Flowers • A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta:
2020. jún 2. 22:32 • I saw no occurrence of being able to consult the discard pile in the rules so assumed that it was not possible. I take your word as authoritative so will implement this. ;-)
Back to the Meeple • A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta:
2020. jún 4. 10:10 • I am not sure that it is authorized to look at the discard pile. If you want to know which player still has his 8 card, you have to be careful.
Jer3my • A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta:
2020. jún 6. 0:43 • all you have to do is look through the entire game's log history. That is all there to see, but it's tedious. So I agree with the OP that it would be better to just have this information more easily available.
RallyAll • A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta:
2020. jún 23. 5:46 • Yes an icon of some sort to notify when the 8 has been used would be a useful addition.
diamant • A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta:
2020. jún 23. 15:55 • If there is a discard pile, this means that at most one card is visible, the rule does not specify whether the cards are placed face-up or face-down.
The rule does not prohibit viewing the discard pile, but it also does not prohibit looking at the hands of other players. If it were allowed, it would be explicitly indicated.
Therefore, it is not the role of the interface to help players remember what cards were played, including Speed 8 cards.
The rule does not prohibit viewing the discard pile, but it also does not prohibit looking at the hands of other players. If it were allowed, it would be explicitly indicated.
Therefore, it is not the role of the interface to help players remember what cards were played, including Speed 8 cards.
Lymon Flowers • A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta:
2020. jún 23. 16:37 • In real-world games (unless you are playing with morons), you can just ask "is the red speed 8 card played already?" and get an answer. Here, games can be quite long with turn-based games and it is normal that players forget such things. While I am not sure about the discard pile, improving the user experience with discreet markers can be interesting.
Note: submitter of the bug is the publisher of Downforce.
Note: submitter of the bug is the publisher of Downforce.
diamant • A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta:
2020. jún 23. 18:30 • The editor may have some good ideas, but I note that the Speed 8 card has the same back as the other Speed cards, so players with real cards can’t know if their opponents played the Speed 8 card by looking at their hidden hands.
I have already played Belote on BGA, and nothing was planned to tell the players if the jack of trumps had been played during the game. However, this is important information when you have the 9 of trumps.
In many games, some information is fugitive. It is up to players to note this information if they feel they need it later when they are likely to forget it.
I have already played Belote on BGA, and nothing was planned to tell the players if the jack of trumps had been played during the game. However, this is important information when you have the 9 of trumps.
In many games, some information is fugitive. It is up to players to note this information if they feel they need it later when they are likely to forget it.
tet3 • A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta:
2020. szept 4. 1:03 • In real-world games, you have the scoring paper & pen(cil) to mark your bids & bets on. I also use it to mark when someone has pkayed their 8. Given that this is easily done in meatspace games, and the publisher is saying it can/should be done, I agree it should happen on BGA.
Phoxtrot • A fejlesztők egyetértenek azzal, hogy ez jó ötlet, és dolgozni fognak rajta:
2021. máj 31. 22:27 • Yeah, as a generic rule, I think this should be an option meant for turn-based play (but not need to forbid its use in real-time mode).
Turn-based mode does change how games are played and generally speaking, what can be reconstructed using a replay or by reading the log should be available.
Turn-based mode does change how games are played and generally speaking, what can be reconstructed using a replay or by reading the log should be available.
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