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Terra Mystica bejelentései
#28585: "Special Action Advance on Cult Track Consumed with no benefit"
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Szabályok: A játék szabályának be nem tartása
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Section 7 Special Actions
This may not be a rules violation because of the word "may" but there should be some validation that the player wants to consume the action without benefit if that is the interpretation.
Whenever taking one of these Special actions, you may advance 1 space on a Cult track of your choice.• Ez a szabály áthágása látható a visszajátszásban? Ha igen, melyik lépésszámnál?
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mbo1883 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2020. nov 21. 14:31 • Player was at level 9 for the water cult but did not have a town formed.
Player elected to use the Cult of Water favor with 2 influence special action to advance on a cult track.
Player selected water which was blocked because of the lack of a town key, but the action was consumed and the player received no benefit.
Also, at some point after this, the players component stopped showing on the water track. Not sure if it is related. Was noticed at game end.
Player elected to use the Cult of Water favor with 2 influence special action to advance on a cult track.
Player selected water which was blocked because of the lack of a town key, but the action was consumed and the player received no benefit.
Also, at some point after this, the players component stopped showing on the water track. Not sure if it is related. Was noticed at game end.
Patrick of the Isles • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2021. máj 8. 8:44 • I experienced this rule violation today on Table #170641169. From the BGG FAQ for this game:
"You're not allowed to take a Special Action without being able to perform the effect, and you have to perform the effect once you take it."
I selected the Water 2 favor special action and applied it to a cult I was already at Step 10 on. The game moved on to the next player's turn. In the game log afterward, this move - Move 341 - simply does not appear. The log goes directly from Move 340 to Move 342 without showing any interceding action
The violation had no adverse effect on this game as it was a test once the result was already clear, but it could have been used in a similar situation to delay to observe what an opponent will do on their next move.
"You're not allowed to take a Special Action without being able to perform the effect, and you have to perform the effect once you take it."
I selected the Water 2 favor special action and applied it to a cult I was already at Step 10 on. The game moved on to the next player's turn. In the game log afterward, this move - Move 341 - simply does not appear. The log goes directly from Move 340 to Move 342 without showing any interceding action
The violation had no adverse effect on this game as it was a test once the result was already clear, but it could have been used in a similar situation to delay to observe what an opponent will do on their next move.
djabwana • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. szept 12. 5:31 • Oh I've used this as what I thought was a legal stalling technique. I didn't realize the rules said you must be able to do the action
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