#30059: "For ARENA rewards count the PEAK of the SCORE instead of the current score"
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Részletes leírás
• Kérjük másold be a hiba üzenetet, amit kaptál, ha volt ilyen.
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Kérjük mondd el, hogy mit szerettél volna csinálni, mit csináltál és mi történt
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
• Kérjük, másold az angolul megjelenített szöveget, ahelyett, hogy lefordítanád a Te nyelvedre! Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Létezik ez a szöveg a fordítási rendszerben? Ha igen, több mint 24 órája lett lefordítva?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
• Kérjük magyarázd el a javaslatodat pontosan és tömören, hogy amennyire lehet, könnyen érthető legyen, mire is gondolsz!
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
• Mit láttál a képernyőn, amikor blokkolva lettél? (Üres képernyő? A játék felületének egy részét? Hiba üzenet?)
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
• A szabályok melyik részét nem vette figyelembe a BGA adaptáció
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Ez a szabály áthágása látható a visszajátszásban? Ha igen, melyik lépésszámnál?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
• Melyik játékbeli akciót akartad csinálni, amikor a hiba előjött?
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Mit akartál csinálni, hogy ezt a játékbeli akciót elindíthasd?
• Mi történt amikor megpróbáltad ezt (hiba üzenet, játék státusz üzenet, ...)?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
• A játék melyik lépésénél lépett fel a probléma? (mi volt a kiírt utasítás?)
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Mi történt amikor megpróbáltad ezt az akciót (hiba üzenet, játék státusz üzenet, ...)?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
• Kérjük, írd le a megjelenítési hibát! Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
• Kérjük, másold az angolul megjelenített szöveget, ahelyett, hogy lefordítanád a Te nyelvedre! Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Létezik ez a szöveg a fordítási rendszerben? Ha igen, több mint 24 órája lett lefordítva?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
• Kérjük magyarázd el a javaslatodat pontosan és tömören, hogy amennyire lehet, könnyen érthető legyen, mire is gondolsz!
Idea is instead of the ladder being filtered by current score. Filter it by highest score player had achieved during that season.
Why this would be better?
1. It will prevent "parking" the score.
2. It will incetivize people to play more as they are never afraid of loosing ranking, they just have a chance to improve.
3. By providing greater number of players to be in the pool it's also easier to climb and it's more rewarding to play.
How it should be done?
In the profile present the peak score and sort the ladder by highest score achieved with a current score in the brackest.
Something like:
Player A 1998 (1998)
Player B 1997 (1900)
Player C 1950 (1930)• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v87
Bejelentés előzmények
I also believe the ELO has a hidden component. So it's actually like 1684.48 instead of 1684 that is showed, so ties are much less likely than we think.
For me, I've found that the high volatility (K factor is too large given the low spread of ratings among the playerbase - I can elaborate but do not want to go off topic too much) can cause my rating to be higher than my true skill - at which point playing any further games would likely decrease my rating. I personally switched over to casual games when I made it to the top 20 and will plan do so again this season (well, maybe I'll wait until I'm 1st or 2nd before I park). There definitely wouldn't be a point where I stop playing arena in order to preserve rating if the system used peak rating instead of current rating, since then I'd have nothing to lose by playing more.
As for those who think that a high-skilled player who stops playing will simply be overtaken by people who play more, I would encourage them to look at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system
Not really sure if it would overall incentivize to play more. Yes, you are not afraid of loosing but this part, "they just have a chance to improve" is not entirely true. Very often your peak score will not change at all after a play session, increasing the peak score can get really hard and people might quickly get stuck at a certain ranking and lose interest.
However, it really just needs to be tested out!
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- Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.