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Dungeon Petz bejelentései
#33100: "Summarize log entries"
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Log entries are important to keep track of what happens during the game. However, it is also important that these entries are then listed in a meaningful way. In my opinion, there are currently still far too many individual entries written, which could just as well be presented in a single entry. This makes the log very confusing.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v88
Bejelentés előzmények
Okay Karaoke • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2021. jan 31. 9:24 • Here are a few examples:
- If you receive gold at the beginning (phase 1), an entry is written for every single gold piece. So if four players get two gold each, there are eight log entries.
- If you send imps to an action, a single log entry is written for each imp. Plus a single log for each gold piece.
- When scoring for the exhibition, not only is each individual step logged, but also the final result. This could easily be combined into a single log as well.
- If you receive gold at the beginning (phase 1), an entry is written for every single gold piece. So if four players get two gold each, there are eight log entries.
- If you send imps to an action, a single log entry is written for each imp. Plus a single log for each gold piece.
- When scoring for the exhibition, not only is each individual step logged, but also the final result. This could easily be combined into a single log as well.
kevan • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2021. máj 8. 20:18 • Some of the log entries read more like debug messages for the developers, rather than game information that the players need to know. (eg. "rule: nothing is added to the meat stand in the food market. Um, that is just weird.")
nandblock • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2021. jún 8. 2:10 • This is still a problem. For instance, when you sell a pet, the log is flooded with messages itemizing EACH COIN earned--so if you make 5 gold, that's 5 entries. If you fulfill 3 anger needs automatically, then that's 3 separate entries. It's extremely hard to read the game log because of this verbosity.
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