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#41736: "Create an “auto bid” button"
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It would be nice if there was a button that you could choose to autobid up to x amount of $. I’m currently in a turn based tournament and the players are spread throughout the globe. Having this option would greatly increase gameplay speed.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Bejelentés előzmények
2021. máj 24. 14:14 •
FSKFSK • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2022. jan 17. 18:04 • I was going to suggest something like this. There are several things that would speed up turn-based games.
It would be nice to have an autopass option, similar to the autoplay option in No Thanks. I.e., "I will pass on my next turn no matter what happens.", click that and the game moves faster.
Autobid seems less valuable, since you don't know what the other players will do. For example, what would happen if I set my autobid for $6 and the player before me decides to bid $6? Then the game should just wait for my turn normally.
Another obvious speedup option is that, on the last turn of the sell properties phase, everyone should just autosell their last property since they have no choice.
It would be nice to have an autopass option, similar to the autoplay option in No Thanks. I.e., "I will pass on my next turn no matter what happens.", click that and the game moves faster.
Autobid seems less valuable, since you don't know what the other players will do. For example, what would happen if I set my autobid for $6 and the player before me decides to bid $6? Then the game should just wait for my turn normally.
Another obvious speedup option is that, on the last turn of the sell properties phase, everyone should just autosell their last property since they have no choice.
JCase16 • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2024. máj 23. 16:44 • Autobid, is a fantastic idea. If you know you're willing to spend up to a certain value and don't care how the bid is made the this could add some speed.
Autopass would be great too.
Autopass would be great too.
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