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Pandemic bejelentései
#47289: "Can't continue after playing forecast"
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• A játék melyik lépésénél lépett fel a probléma? (mi volt a kiírt utasítás?)
When selecting the preferred order for the forecast I clicked done, and received an error message. After that the instructions informed me that I should be selecting the right order while the options had disappeared. When reloading I was taken back to the order. But when I repeated my action I received the same error message and everything repeated. There was no option to cancel the action and thus the only option seemed to be to quit the game.• Mi történt amikor megpróbáltad ezt az akciót (hiba üzenet, játék státusz üzenet, ...)?
Onverwachte fout: Error while processing Database request (8.boardgamearena.com 27/08 20:42:31)• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
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Woodstock030 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2021. aug 27. 20:45 • I have played this game almost 100 times (in solo mode) and this is now the 2nd time this happened. Move #114.
Cindy515 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2021. okt 28. 19:43 • I had the same thing happen in table 212389648. Pictures attached. imgur.com/a/Sm4I7oG imgur.com/uJhOk6J
bg500 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2021. dec 14. 0:09 • Same issue for me in Solo mode with 3 characters and Archive option on.
djast • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. ápr 5. 19:07 • Same thing happened to me, also in Solo mode with 3 characters and Archive variant, on table 256467667.
larrythelabrat • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. máj 28. 18:25 • I've run into this bug a couple different times.
Solo mode, archive variant
Using Chrome.
I've currently got a game open with this issue:
Unexpected error: Error while processing Database request (reference: GS9 28/05 18:16:35)
Tried logging in via a different browser (Microsoft Edge) and got picking up the game from there. Same error message:
Unexpected error: Error while processing Database request (reference: GS9 28/05 18:21:24)
I'll leave the game open for a while if that helps track down what's going on. It's definitely something that crops up.
I don't remember if it was a factor in other times, but this time, I was playing forecast when I'd hit the hand limit and had to either discard or play event.
Solo mode, archive variant
Using Chrome.
I've currently got a game open with this issue:
Unexpected error: Error while processing Database request (reference: GS9 28/05 18:16:35)
Tried logging in via a different browser (Microsoft Edge) and got picking up the game from there. Same error message:
Unexpected error: Error while processing Database request (reference: GS9 28/05 18:21:24)
I'll leave the game open for a while if that helps track down what's going on. It's definitely something that crops up.
I don't remember if it was a factor in other times, but this time, I was playing forecast when I'd hit the hand limit and had to either discard or play event.
larrythelabrat • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. máj 31. 14:44 • Here's another instance of the bug:
Table #271804493
Move #120
Progression 64%
Unexpected error: Error while processing Database request (reference: GS3 31/05 14:40:28)
The game is still open.
Once again, this was a "I now have 8 cards in hand, play the forecast event instead of discarding"
Table #271804493
Move #120
Progression 64%
Unexpected error: Error while processing Database request (reference: GS3 31/05 14:40:28)
The game is still open.
Once again, this was a "I now have 8 cards in hand, play the forecast event instead of discarding"
Cindy515 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. jún 1. 5:32 • me too Unexpected error: Error while processing Database request (reference: GS9 01/06 05:29:50)
because I had too many cards so I played forecast instead of discarding
In solo mode
about to win, though I doubt if that makes a difference
because I had too many cards so I played forecast instead of discarding
In solo mode
about to win, though I doubt if that makes a difference
Ellleo • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. jún 22. 11:37 • Same happened in party 277545972
Erreur inattendue : Error while processing Database request (reference: GS6 22/06 11:37:12)
Erreur inattendue : Error while processing Database request (reference: GS6 22/06 11:37:12)
larrythelabrat • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. jún 26. 4:07 • Another instance of this bug:
I've left the table open. I've currently got three open tables with this bug, if that helps. I'll leave them open for another week or so; and if I haven't heard anything I'll quite the games so I don't have to cycle through them in my turn-based games.
I've left the table open. I've currently got three open tables with this bug, if that helps. I'll leave them open for another week or so; and if I haven't heard anything I'll quite the games so I don't have to cycle through them in my turn-based games.
Cindy515 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. júl 8. 21:33 • another example, solo game, used forecast because I had too many cards, won't let me forecast or cancel. Table boardgamearena.com/3/pandemic?table=281735183 is open for a few days until it drives me crazy. Same as all the others.
larrythelabrat • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. júl 8. 23:51 • I'm going to close my open games.
Developers, if you want us to save future bonks, post here to let us know. But it seems pretty reproducible that if you use forecast when you'd have to discard, it's liable to bonk.
Possibly worth flagging this as a note in the game when people play solo mode.
Developers, if you want us to save future bonks, post here to let us know. But it seems pretty reproducible that if you use forecast when you'd have to discard, it's liable to bonk.
Possibly worth flagging this as a note in the game when people play solo mode.
Cindy515 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. júl 22. 18:08 • NEW INFORMATION: I used forecast because I had 8 cards in a solo game, but did not leave the forecast dialog to check out cities behind it by clicking the eyeball, and it did NOT block me.
I get this problem all the time, but usually click the eyeball. This time I didn't.
I get this problem all the time, but usually click the eyeball. This time I didn't.
larrythelabrat • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. júl 29. 20:33 • Another instance of this game:
(which I closed).
NEW INFORMATION: I hit the 8 card hand limit when I picked up a city mid-turn; as opposed to the end of turn player draw. So it can bonk in either case.
Re: Cindy515's point: in my games, it's not when you click the eye ball to look at cities, I run into it when I hit Forecast done.
There are times it works, and times when it doesn't. But I've definitely seen it break without using the eye. It's not 100% break, but it's often enough that I often just discard the forecast rather than risk breaking the game, I thought a mid-turn draw would be different.
(which I closed).
NEW INFORMATION: I hit the 8 card hand limit when I picked up a city mid-turn; as opposed to the end of turn player draw. So it can bonk in either case.
Re: Cindy515's point: in my games, it's not when you click the eye ball to look at cities, I run into it when I hit Forecast done.
There are times it works, and times when it doesn't. But I've definitely seen it break without using the eye. It's not 100% break, but it's often enough that I often just discard the forecast rather than risk breaking the game, I thought a mid-turn draw would be different.
Choccy • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. aug 21. 14:24 • Both my games are still open, if that helps.
Happened to me twice in the last 2 days.
Solo games with the archive variant with 6 epidemics. Both my games are still open, if that helps.
happened when playing on my moto g30 in the app.
refreshing did nothing.
opened the games on firefox and couldn't confirm my forecast choices.
Also tried in chrome. I have tried clicking forecast done when the page opens, instead of selecting my choices or going back and forth with the board and forecast views. neither option works.
Other people are right. Looking at my game history. Both times I needed to discard (both specifically from picking up a card in archive for me) and I chose to play forecast instead of discard a card.
Unexpected error: Error while processing Database request (reference: GS3 21/08 14:23:32)/
Happened to me twice in the last 2 days.
Solo games with the archive variant with 6 epidemics. Both my games are still open, if that helps.
happened when playing on my moto g30 in the app.
refreshing did nothing.
opened the games on firefox and couldn't confirm my forecast choices.
Also tried in chrome. I have tried clicking forecast done when the page opens, instead of selecting my choices or going back and forth with the board and forecast views. neither option works.
Other people are right. Looking at my game history. Both times I needed to discard (both specifically from picking up a card in archive for me) and I chose to play forecast instead of discard a card.
Unexpected error: Error while processing Database request (reference: GS3 21/08 14:23:32)/
larrythelabrat • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2022. okt 16. 20:03 • Another game where forecast broke the game:
This was a mid-turn draw to 8 (picked up an archived card) and then played forecast. Same-old break and can't get past; had to concede the game.
This was a mid-turn draw to 8 (picked up an archived card) and then played forecast. Same-old break and can't get past; had to concede the game.
Ginewra • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. febr 6. 14:57 • Another game where forecast broke the game:
Stół #344264396
Ruch #116
Postęp 62%
reference: GS3 06/02 14:55:57
Stół #344264396
Ruch #116
Postęp 62%
reference: GS3 06/02 14:55:57
larrythelabrat • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. febr 12. 15:39 • Another instance where forecast broke the game (Hadn't run into this in a while, thought it was fixed):
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS3 12/02 15:38:10)
Playing solo archive version. Picked up an archived card and hit 8 cards in hand. Played forecast rather than discarding it. Could not proceed past Forecast. Game abandoned.
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS3 12/02 15:38:10)
Playing solo archive version. Picked up an archived card and hit 8 cards in hand. Played forecast rather than discarding it. Could not proceed past Forecast. Game abandoned.
Cindy515 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. febr 19. 17:10 • oh man, I thought this was fixed.
Playing solo game with archive variant. picked up a card from the archive, which caused me to go to 8 cards. Played forecast after my second action (picking up the card).
Playing solo game with archive variant. picked up a card from the archive, which caused me to go to 8 cards. Played forecast after my second action (picking up the card).
larrythelabrat • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. febr 23. 17:56 •
2023. márc 20. 18:50 • boardgamearena.com/6/pandemic?table=350138703
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS6 23/02 17:55:13)
F5 did not solve problem.
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS6 23/02 17:55:13)
F5 did not solve problem.
larrythelabrat • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. ápr 25. 5:21 • Again, Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS6 25/04 05:20:21)
Forecast after picking up a card in archive, can't proceed past forecast.
Forecast after picking up a card in archive, can't proceed past forecast.
btimon • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. jún 6. 13:15 • boardgamearena.com/5/pandemic?table=384468419
Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS5 06/06 13:15:10)
Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS5 06/06 13:15:10)
btimon • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. jún 12. 0:43 • boardgamearena.com/1/pandemic?table=386279078
Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS1 12/06 00:42:51)
Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS1 12/06 00:42:51)
btimon • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. jún 13. 9:51 • Solo mode, archive variant
Using Firefox
Step 120
"Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS7 13/06 09:48:30)"
it seems, this BUG is only with the G.Specialist exist
Using Firefox
Step 120
"Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS7 13/06 09:48:30)"
it seems, this BUG is only with the G.Specialist exist
btimon • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. jún 25. 1:43 • boardgamearena.com/5/pandemic?table=390455486ű
Linux / Firefox
Solo mode / Archive
Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS5 25/06 01:42:48)
Linux / Firefox
Solo mode / Archive
Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS5 25/06 01:42:48)
btimon • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. júl 9. 20:58 • The problem still exists.
Solo mode / Archive mode
Android / Firefox
Solo mode / Archive mode
Android / Firefox
btimon • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. júl 9. 22:46 • boardgamearena.com/4/pandemic?table=395203442
Very annoying!!!
Solo mode / Archive mode
Android / Firefox
Very annoying!!!
Solo mode / Archive mode
Android / Firefox
Cindy515 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. júl 10. 15:21 • Still happening
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS9 10/07 15:20:22)
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS9 10/07 15:20:22)
btimon • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. júl 13. 0:02 •
SlowHand5 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. aug 26. 20:54 • I encoutered the same problem, in solo mode.
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS5 26/08 20:51:16)
Chrome Version 116.0.5845.111 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS5 26/08 20:51:16)
Chrome Version 116.0.5845.111 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Cindy515 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. szept 8. 2:20 • still happening, I will keep game around for a while
btimon • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. szept 18. 8:53 • boardgamearena.com/10/pandemic?table=419055081
"Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS10 18/09 08:51:25)"
"Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS10 18/09 08:51:25)"
btimon • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. szept 18. 11:46 • boardgamearena.com/10/pandemic?table=419083743
the game is stopped at forecast!
Ubuntu Linux / Firefox 117.0.1 / solo mode
Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS10 18/09 11:46:42)
the game is stopped at forecast!
Ubuntu Linux / Firefox 117.0.1 / solo mode
Váratlan hiba:Hiba az adatbázis-kérelem feldolgozása közben (reference: GS10 18/09 11:46:42)
comickazi • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. okt 6. 5:15 • Played forecast, clicked on the “eye” to look at which cities were in danger and could not get back to forecast choices to arrange.
han6784 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. okt 8. 1:37 • Playing solo with archive. Clicked to use forecast after arranging cards selected done. Then it errored. Refreshed multiple times, keeps going back to forecast, and repeats. Happened to me multiple times this way.
TimThrawn • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. okt 9. 15:41 • Playing solo, the forecast card crashed the game (it does not validate the new order, and no other action is possible).
F5 doesn't solve the issue.
It happenned to me a lot, each time I played forecast not as first or last action of the round, always when i take an action, play forecast and then try to end my turn by performing other actions.
F5 doesn't solve the issue.
It happenned to me a lot, each time I played forecast not as first or last action of the round, always when i take an action, play forecast and then try to end my turn by performing other actions.
Cindy515 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2023. okt 12. 22:07 • still happening - I had too many cards and foolishly played forecast :(
wattdog • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2024. márc 2. 14:25 • Exceeded hand limit, played forecast and picked order. Then told to sort cards and discard zero.
HugoNissarGamer • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2024. márc 4. 18:42 • Same as the last reporter, exceeded the hand limit and played forecast
cgsunit • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2024. márc 30. 23:39 • boardgamearena.com/4/pandemic?table=493842899
Move 97
F5 did not solve problem,. Reviewing bug reports can confirm I had just drawn over the hand limit when I played forecast.
Move 97
F5 did not solve problem,. Reviewing bug reports can confirm I had just drawn over the hand limit when I played forecast.
ce58 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2024. ápr 28. 21:52 • I tried reloading multiple times - F5 did not solve. Exceeded hand limit, solved by playing forecast - picked order but never was able to get it to accept the order & move on with play. In solo mode.
em1l13 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2024. máj 5. 22:28 • Erreur inattendue : Erreur lors de l'exécution d'une requête vers la base de données (reference: GS4 05/05 22:25:52)
Table #508939438
Coup #110
Progression 67%
solo mode
Table #508939438
Coup #110
Progression 67%
solo mode
PurpleThisle • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2024. máj 13. 16:47 • tried f5 multiple times. It brings back the list to forecast but then doesn't allow for the game to continue. Using firefox 125.0.3 Have had this happen several times.
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS4 13/05 16:40:58)
Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS4 13/05 16:40:58)
smci • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2024. szept 19. 9:10 •
2024. nov 10. 12:24 •
2024. nov 10. 14:18 • This bug only seems to happen in Solo mode with Archive variant.
RV_nc • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2024. nov 13. 1:03 •
2024. dec 13. 17:14 • arrive again in 588197740 did not appear all the time was able to finish some games ...
KleineBaronin • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2024. dec 15. 1:25 •
2025. jan 17. 18:47 • 601892907 Again (solo/archiv) dispatcher played the card (if it helps)
puzzledmom • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2025. febr 27. 3:57 • Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS4 27/02 03:47:43)
Happens after clicking Done in Forecast window.
Table #636246785
Move #72
Progression 39%
Tried F5, got same error -- several times in a row. Finally gave up and quit the game.
I've played Solo with Archive variant a number of times, this is the first I've had a problem.
Happens after clicking Done in Forecast window.
Table #636246785
Move #72
Progression 39%
Tried F5, got same error -- several times in a row. Finally gave up and quit the game.
I've played Solo with Archive variant a number of times, this is the first I've had a problem.
YC00 • A hibát még nem tudták reprodukálni a fejlesztők:
2025. márc 14. 15:43 • Unexpected error: Error while processing database request (reference: GS5 14/03 15:40:54)
It happens many times, to the point where I'm afraid to use forecast...
I had to reset many games because of this issue.
It happens many times, to the point where I'm afraid to use forecast...
I had to reset many games because of this issue.
Hozzáadni valamit a jelentéshez
Kérjük adj meg itt bármit, ami fontos a hiba reprodukálásához vagy a javaslat megértéséhez:
- Másik asztal ID / lépés ID
- az F5 megoldotta a problémát?
- Milyen gyakran jön elő a probléma? Minden alkalommal? Véletlenszerűen?
- Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.