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#49301: "Solo Player - remove time limit"
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Javaslat: szerintem a következő nagyot javítana a játék implementációján
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• Kérjük magyarázd el a javaslatodat pontosan és tömören, hogy amennyire lehet, könnyen érthető legyen, mire is gondolsz!
There is no reason to have a time limit for solo players. Also, this will prevent the game ending for time reasons, so people who may need to pause during their game can come back and continue.
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Google Chrome v93
Bejelentés előzmények
2021. szept 27. 3:59 •
cgsunit • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2024. jún 15. 1:30 • In a friendly game for solo player, I cannot understand why the timeout for nonactivity is such a short period of time, only a few hours. I was playing on a break at work and didn't have time to finish, and now the same day in the evening the game is already marked as abandoned. This is incredibly frustrating and I cannot see why it's such a quick turnaround when turn-based games are allowed multiple days of inactivity. It would be a simple update, please adjust the timeout to at least 24 hours.
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- Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.