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#67755: "Supply Board Missing"
infoneeded: További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez
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it is impossible to play the game on a phone - the Supply Board is missing.
Otherwise, very nice implementation, thanks!
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Samsung A52, Android 12
Bejelentés előzmények
2022. júl 11. 16:58 •
bennygui • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2022. júl 26. 15:44 • Can you try to clear your browser cache? Or try another brower like Chrome?
MantisToboggan15 • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2022. aug 2. 10:52 • I’ve experienced this same problem when playing on chrome using an iPhone. Was playing a turn based game and after placing a tile the supply board disappeared so I couldn’t select a new one. Tried refreshing, rotating my phone, etc. changing the display layout multiple times seemed to make it come back?! But that could have been random and me just pressing everything to see if it helped 😬. I’ve only experienced this issue once when playing turn based.
Fieber • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2022. dec 20. 15:24 • Same thing, but with using my laptop + google chrome. I'm going to see if removing cookies helps
Randy37 • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. jan 7. 3:49 • Same here. Used to work, started a few days ago.
bennygui • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. jan 7. 4:08 • Please report if you tryed to clear your browser cache, this is either a network/browser problem on your side or a BGA problem. I can't do anything about it but if it's a BGA problem we need to know to open a bug for BGA as a whole... So please try to clear your browser cache and use another browser to see if it works or not.
MrSuo • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. ápr 11. 3:19 • I'm experiencing the same thing on my tablet. The supply board is missing. I've tried restarting the device, I've cleared cookies and the cache...nothing is helping.
bennygui • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. ápr 11. 3:22 • The game had not changed in a while, this migth be a problem with BGA's network, an adblocker or something else on your side... Sorry, I can't do anything about this :-(
jesslc • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. máj 23. 17:40 • To everyone having this problem - try adjusting the zoom level of the supply. (Top right there are 2 zoom sliders one for player boards and one for the supply)
When this has happened to me, it's because I accidentally touched the zoom slider while scrolling my phone screen. If the zoom is up too high, then the supply board doesn't fit on my screen and it just disappears completely (instead of only showing part of it). Adjusting the zoom always brings it back for me.
When this has happened to me, it's because I accidentally touched the zoom slider while scrolling my phone screen. If the zoom is up too high, then the supply board doesn't fit on my screen and it just disappears completely (instead of only showing part of it). Adjusting the zoom always brings it back for me.
jesslc • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. máj 23. 17:55 • For the developer - I don't know if any of these are possible but perhaps you could:
a) restrict the supply zoom so that people can't make it too big to fit on their screen, or
b) make it still show part of the supply board if zoom is too high (then people should hopefully realise they need to adjust the zoom), or
c) make it show a little note in place of the supply board when it disappears - something about needing to reduce the zoom
a) restrict the supply zoom so that people can't make it too big to fit on their screen, or
b) make it still show part of the supply board if zoom is too high (then people should hopefully realise they need to adjust the zoom), or
c) make it show a little note in place of the supply board when it disappears - something about needing to reduce the zoom
nik592 • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. jún 26. 1:32 • I've also experienced this several times, I think almost always when I play on my tablet (desktop mode, so not technically a mobile device). Often I just move on to another game and come back and it's ok another time (without me changing any settings, clearing any caches, etc.). I will try adjusting the zoom level of the supply as mentioned above next time it happens, though it makes sense as I did manage to do something once that brought it back without needing to reload the game (possibly I accidentally adjusted the zoom).
Chaw Su • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. júl 16. 3:39 • Cannot find supply board in Android phone although it is well displayed if i played with laptop.
Previously I played this with phone supplyboard was found sometimes but could not find sometimes. So I use to play this with laptop.
Previously I played this with phone supplyboard was found sometimes but could not find sometimes. So I use to play this with laptop.
bennygui • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. júl 16. 3:41 • Did you try adjusting the zoom level of the supply? (Top right there are 2 zoom sliders one for player boards and one for the supply) Someone suggested this here...
mildred95 • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. okt 28. 1:00 • The board is missing in the phone
bennygui • További információkra lenne szüksége a fejlesztőknek a bug előidézéséhez:
2023. okt 28. 1:04 • Please try to change the zoom sliders and report back
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