#8577: "Opponent received too much prestige"
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• Kérjük másold be a hiba üzenetet, amit kaptál, ha volt ilyen.
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Kérjük mondd el, hogy mit szerettél volna csinálni, mit csináltál és mi történt
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
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• Kérjük, másold az angolul megjelenített szöveget, ahelyett, hogy lefordítanád a Te nyelvedre! Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Létezik ez a szöveg a fordítási rendszerben? Ha igen, több mint 24 órája lett lefordítva?
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v61
• Kérjük magyarázd el a javaslatodat pontosan és tömören, hogy amennyire lehet, könnyen érthető legyen, mire is gondolsz!
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v61
• Mit láttál a képernyőn, amikor blokkolva lettél? (Üres képernyő? A játék felületének egy részét? Hiba üzenet?)
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v61
• A szabályok melyik részét nem vette figyelembe a BGA adaptáció
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Ez a szabály áthágása látható a visszajátszásban? Ha igen, melyik lépésszámnál?
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v61
• Melyik játékbeli akciót akartad csinálni, amikor a hiba előjött?
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Mit akartál csinálni, hogy ezt a játékbeli akciót elindíthasd?
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Mi történt amikor megpróbáltad ezt (hiba üzenet, játék státusz üzenet, ...)?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
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• A játék melyik lépésénél lépett fel a probléma? (mi volt a kiírt utasítás?)
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Mi történt amikor megpróbáltad ezt az akciót (hiba üzenet, játék státusz üzenet, ...)?
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v61
• Kérjük, írd le a megjelenítési hibát! Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v61
• Kérjük, másold az angolul megjelenített szöveget, ahelyett, hogy lefordítanád a Te nyelvedre! Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Létezik ez a szöveg a fordítási rendszerben? Ha igen, több mint 24 órája lett lefordítva?
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v61
• Kérjük magyarázd el a javaslatodat pontosan és tömören, hogy amennyire lehet, könnyen érthető legyen, mire is gondolsz!
After playing the Universal Pace Institute 6-cost development, my opponent appeared to accumulate too much Prestige. This is starting at move 42. I cannot see how my opponent continued to accumulate prestige - Federation Capital only accounted for 1 additional prestige when Rebel Alliance was played. In total, my opponent accumulated 9 prestige, whereas by my count it should have been 5 prestige. I gone through the game several times.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v61
Bejelentés előzmények
I'll look into it, thanks for the report. I might have to significantly refactor the settle phase.
Although in your game, it happened only twice, the other 7 prestige points were legitimate. 4 from cards, 1 from Universal Peace Institute consume power and 2 for placing Rebel Alliance (1 from Federation Capital and 1 from Rebel Council).
Link to replay right before the move in question: boardgamearena.com/archive/replay/210902-1021/?table=200737708&player=86293880&comments=90989654;&goto=59#
Move ~95 I played alien burial site as my second world with improved logistics and I received an additional prestige point for placing it, when I should have only received one.
He had Rebel Freedom home world and Improved Logistics. I had Terraforming Engineers.
He played Rebel Base as his second settle. Instead of 1 prestige bonus (putting him at a total of 2 with me at 3),, he got 3 prestige, lifting him to 4 prestige, passing my 3 and claiming the 5 point prestige reward bonus in this game.
Can anything be done to fix this game in progress?
I had improved logistics and opponent had Terraforming engineers. It only occurs on the second settle. On move 46 I gained 2 prestige points for Rebel Council before terraforming phase and on move 47 i gained 2 prestige points after terraforming phase.
This happened again at move 58/59 I gained 1 prestige from PGSC and another one on next turn.
Improved logistics, 2nd world was Rebel Fuel Refinery, gained two prestiges and two cards
moves 45 and 46
Move 287 : 21:22:25
OriProf conquers Information Hub with Military
OriProf gains 1 prestige
Move 288 : 21:47:36
Therrin uses Space Mercenaries for temporary Military
Move 289 : 21:47:45
Therrin uses Rebel Sneak Attack to pay
Therrin conquers Rebel Outpost with Military
OriProf gains 1 prestige
Therrin fulfills goal Military Influence (First to have either at least three +IMPERIUM+ cards or at least four military worlds in tableau.) and scores 3 points
OriProf fulfills goal Greatest Military (At least six and the most total Military in tableau. Count negative but not temporary or specialized military.) and scores 5 points
OriProf fulfills goal Largest Industry (At least three and the most Novelty and/or Rare elements production or windfall worlds in tableau.) and scores 5 points
OriProf gets Prestige Leader
Prestige Leader: OriProf scores 1 victory point
Prestige Leader: OriProf gained prestige the previous turn and draws 1 card
As above, I had Improved Logistics and opponent had Terraforming Engineers. I gained a prestige on the second settle action and somehow gained an extra prestige that I shouldn't have had. Didn't change the outcome on this game but it could have, given prestige was one of the goals.
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