#89759: "Add more Map Layouts"
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# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Részletes leírás
• Kérjük másold be a hiba üzenetet, amit kaptál, ha volt ilyen.
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Kérjük mondd el, hogy mit szerettél volna csinálni, mit csináltál és mi történt
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Google Chrome v113
• Kérjük, másold az angolul megjelenített szöveget, ahelyett, hogy lefordítanád a Te nyelvedre! Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Létezik ez a szöveg a fordítási rendszerben? Ha igen, több mint 24 órája lett lefordítva?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v113
• Kérjük magyarázd el a javaslatodat pontosan és tömören, hogy amennyire lehet, könnyen érthető legyen, mire is gondolsz!
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v113
• Mit láttál a képernyőn, amikor blokkolva lettél? (Üres képernyő? A játék felületének egy részét? Hiba üzenet?)
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v113
• A szabályok melyik részét nem vette figyelembe a BGA adaptáció
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Ez a szabály áthágása látható a visszajátszásban? Ha igen, melyik lépésszámnál?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v113
• Melyik játékbeli akciót akartad csinálni, amikor a hiba előjött?
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Mit akartál csinálni, hogy ezt a játékbeli akciót elindíthasd?
• Mi történt amikor megpróbáltad ezt (hiba üzenet, játék státusz üzenet, ...)?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v113
• A játék melyik lépésénél lépett fel a probléma? (mi volt a kiírt utasítás?)
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Mi történt amikor megpróbáltad ezt az akciót (hiba üzenet, játék státusz üzenet, ...)?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v113
• Kérjük, írd le a megjelenítési hibát! Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v113
• Kérjük, másold az angolul megjelenített szöveget, ahelyett, hogy lefordítanád a Te nyelvedre! Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Létezik ez a szöveg a fordítási rendszerben? Ha igen, több mint 24 órája lett lefordítva?
• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v113
• Kérjük magyarázd el a javaslatodat pontosan és tömören, hogy amennyire lehet, könnyen érthető legyen, mire is gondolsz!
Premise - This game offers a lot of replayability, however one more map could be added that will keep veterans challenged.
Ideas in order of simplicity to implement:
1. Add a new map with 4 floors total. And each floor has size 4x4. All mechanics such as guard movement incrementing stays the same. All you have to worry about is allocating the locations and loot for 4 floors.
Currently there are at least 12 loot to pick from and 13 tools to pick from. With 4 floors, each floor can have at least 3 loot per floor and 3 tools per floor. The loot will be a non-issue. The possible issue will be the tools per floor if we require that tools are UNIQUE and there are never 2 of the same tool.
Why? Because on each floor there is at least 1 chest which yields 1 tool. There can also be labratories which also yield tools. This means we should expect to have at most, 2 labratories per floor and 1 chest per floor.
If you choose to have 2 chests on a floor, than you must limit labratories to 1. (total tools per floor is limited to 3)
Also we have 13 tools to work with, which will satisfy the RIGGER character ability always allowing a character to pick from 2 tools when acquiring one.
2. Add an infinite map with an infinite number of floors and infinite number of chests/loot/tools. This obviously means you will have duplicate loot/tools. You could allow the player to choose the room size for such an infinite map. They could pick 4x4, 5x5 and the game will simply generate infinite floors as the player moves up. And the players simply play till they lose acquiring as many treasures as possible.
*** Maybe the player when using a staircase up can decide if they want it to be the ROOF exit. Doing so will prevent any further floors from being generated. This will also require no character has explored to any room above the current***
I think the first suggestion, adding a 4 floor map would be ideal and simple. The infinite map will be a lot more work to implement.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v113
Bejelentés előzmények
Increasing base patrol speed per floor is how the game is designed.
But with 4 floors, this means the 4th floor move speed is set at 5.
The 5 may be ridiculous to navigate about as a starting speed for the last escape floor.
But players could mitigate this by loitering on prior levels so only 1 player is in the top floor at a time.
Modifications to base patrol speed could be considered...
Or leave as this very challenging speed which will be a map for veteran players to truly challenge themselves.
Hozzáadni valamit a jelentéshez
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- az F5 megoldotta a problémát?
- Milyen gyakran jön elő a probléma? Minden alkalommal? Véletlenszerűen?
- Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.