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#92741: "need undo button"
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• Kérjük magyarázd el a javaslatodat pontosan és tömören, hogy amennyire lehet, könnyen érthető legyen, mire is gondolsz!
When trying to place a tile after clicking it, while moving the board it will randomly drop the word on the board. Need to be able to undo action of placing word• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Safari v15.5
Bejelentés előzmények
2023. júl 7. 2:12 •
EpicDim • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. aug 16. 6:24 • Also, didn't intend to create a new pairing, so having undo would be helpful.
lilou8391 • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. szept 17. 21:23 •
2023. okt 11. 11:34 • Please, you need a cancel button, it's been several times that I place a lot in the wrong place while scrolling, it's very annoying.
blackfootsteps • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. okt 11. 13:50 • Agree with this report. I play on mobile and I made a slightly clumsy attempt at scrolling and it plonked the tile down.
Tchoumeuh • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. okt 20. 7:43 • Perfect Words #429288213
I was just zooming on my phone and it move a tile and validated the move. 🥲
It would be great to have an undo or confirm option
I was just zooming on my phone and it move a tile and validated the move. 🥲
It would be great to have an undo or confirm option
Meeple Mama • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. okt 22. 19:43 • Happens often, very frustrating and impacts the outcome of the game
sammmmmy195 • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. okt 30. 10:08 • Happened to me three times in on game. PLEASE add a "confirm move" timer like lots of other games have.
Daisyjo • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. nov 1. 2:08 • And sometimes I place a card in a wrong spot (forgetting the phrase I have in mind to create after my previous turn) and I only realize it doesn't work unless the umbrella points the words out in the opposite order. Therefore, I need to be able to undo my tile placement even before ending my turn.
This would be easily fixed if when you place the umbrella and it asks to confirm a non-confirmation or redo all but were available. Confirm, Redo, Start Over. Confirm being the end of your turn. Redo is umbrella and Start Over begins your entire turn again.
This would be easily fixed if when you place the umbrella and it asks to confirm a non-confirmation or redo all but were available. Confirm, Redo, Start Over. Confirm being the end of your turn. Redo is umbrella and Start Over begins your entire turn again.
oktryit • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. nov 5. 15:34 • happened on the phone, too. Move the screen and check every moves, then the card will be placed accidentally.
sobalamandra • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2024. dec 23. 14:25 •
2025. jan 17. 12:47 • #604961756
Same thing happens on iPad (Safari). Touching the screen to zoom out caused the tile to be dropped at the place where I touched. Impossible to undo.
Same thing happens on iPad (Safari). Touching the screen to zoom out caused the tile to be dropped at the place where I touched. Impossible to undo.
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- Ha van screenshot-od erről a bugról (ajánlott), használd a Imgur.com, hogy feltöltsd, majd másold be a linket.