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Perfect Words bejelentései
#98627: "Please support more languages (not just English and French)"
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Currently, when creating a game table for Perfect Words, we can only choose either English or French as the language of the game.
Please add support for more languages to choose from when creating a new game table for Perfect Words.• Milyen böngészőt használsz?
Google Chrome v116
Bejelentés előzmények
Thomas • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. szept 14. 21:55 • All UI texts are available for translation in the [url=boardgamearena.com/translationhq]translation HQ[/url], but the words on the tiles are only available in English and French.
Even so I have basic English skills and have no problem to play games with English UI texts, I find it hard to play games, where words are part of the game and you need a large vocabulary and need to play with word associations. Even, if the words on the tiles of the game are pretty easy, Perfect Words requires the players to have similar associations.
I don't known if the publisher allows it, but if you would provide a list of words used on the game tiles, I am sure, that voluteers will translate them into many more languages; e.g. I could translate them into German language.
The advantage of more choices for the game language is not only that the words on the tiles would be displayed in your native language, but that all players that have joined your table, know your native language and it would be easier to think of word associations in your native language.
Even so I have basic English skills and have no problem to play games with English UI texts, I find it hard to play games, where words are part of the game and you need a large vocabulary and need to play with word associations. Even, if the words on the tiles of the game are pretty easy, Perfect Words requires the players to have similar associations.
I don't known if the publisher allows it, but if you would provide a list of words used on the game tiles, I am sure, that voluteers will translate them into many more languages; e.g. I could translate them into German language.
The advantage of more choices for the game language is not only that the words on the tiles would be displayed in your native language, but that all players that have joined your table, know your native language and it would be easier to think of word associations in your native language.
Thomas • A javaslatot még nem vizsgálták meg a fejlesztők:
2023. szept 14. 21:57 • For discussion of this suggestion, please see the BGA forum at: boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=32495
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