Deliver a colored resource on your first round preferably to a bounty city. You will need to start your collection of income as soon as possible and the first victory point have a bonus financial dollar of two thousand dollars built into the scoring system, with your first victory point being worth three thousand dollars with each victory point after worth one thousand dollars until they start costing two victory points for one thousand dollars starting at 15 victory points. Focus should be on bonus victory points through cards and the main lines while ensuring to deliver goods each round to keep yourself well financed. Be sure to plan ahead for your building goals and your building order to manage each round of turns, with a wary eye on the competition so that they don't block you and for an opportunity to block them. Finally itis important to connect all your straggler railroad lines to a single line connecting colored cities, this will open up your end game deliveries for maximum victory points. It would be best to have all your lines connected so that you can change your focus to engine upgrades and deliveries for the end game push for the win. When possible build out from a central location so that you can claim a home city that will act as a central hub with all the lines being yours, thus creating a circle of smaller hubs branching out in all directions, this is the most efficient design giving you the maximum of locations for the least amount of money.
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