Get rid of your Payoo!
There are no jacks, queens or kings in Papayoo – just an unusual die and a fifth suit called Payoo. The aim is to score the fewest points possible; to do so, try to avoid collecting those dreadful Payoos and especially the Papayoo, that confounded 7, whose suit changes with each new hand. That cursed die!
If you are unhappy with your hand, don't fret; just give your hand to the player on your left before starting. Be sure to make the right choice because you'll be getting the player's cards on your right. Then play your hand with no trumps or qualms. The best player doesn't always win!
Játékosok száma: 3 - 8
Játékhossz: 14 mn
Bonyolultság: 1 / 5
Játssz Papayoo-t és 1035 egyéb játékot!
Letöltés nem szükséges, közvetlenül a böngésződből játszható.
A barátaiddal és több ezer játékossal az egész világról.

Játssz Papayoo-t és 1035 egyéb játékot!
Letöltés nem szükséges, közvetlenül a böngésződből játszható.
A barátaiddal és több ezer játékossal az egész világról.

- Papayoo is a trick-taking game with five suits:
- The object of the game is to take as few points as possible.
- Boardgame Arena measures these points as negative. Therefore, the player whose score is closest to 0 will be the winner.
- 8-sided die.
- 1♠2♠3♠4♠5♠6♠7♠8♠9♠10♠
- 1♥2♥3♥4♥5♥6♥7♥8♥9♥10♥
- 1♣2♣3♣4♣5♣6♣7♣8♣9♣10♣
- 1♦2♦3♦4♦5♦6♦7♦8♦9♦10♦
- 1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10P11P12P13P14P15P16P17P18P19P20P
- Payoo cards are worth points equal to their number value.
- The Papayoo card is the 7 of one of the other suits and is worth 40 points.
Game play
- Deal all of the cards.
- 1♠1♥1♣1♦ are removed for 7-8 players.
- Depending on the number of players, choose 3-5 cards to pass face-down to the player to your left.
- This must be done before you look at any cards passed to you.
- Once all players have passed cards, an eight-sided die is rolled.
- Whichever side lands face up determines which 7 card is worth points in that round.
- For example, if ♠ is rolled, the 7♠ is worth 40 points.
- The dealer plays first, with any card from their hand.
- In clockwise rotation, each player plays a card.
- Suit must be followed where possible.
- There is no trump suit; the highest card in the led suit wins the trick.
- Whoever takes the trick leads the next trick.
- The number of rounds is determined before the game.
- Points are accumulated throughout the game.
- The total number of points in the round should equal to 250.
Cards distribution
# players | # cards in hand | # cards to pass left | cards removed |
3 | 20 | 5 | - |
4 | 15 | 5 | - |
5 | 12 | 4 | - |
6 | 10 | 3 | - |
7 | 8 | 3 | 1♠1♥1♣1♦ |
8 | 7 | 3 |