Fans of Simplicatus Games:
🌎🌍🌏 Welcome to our group of friendly gamers from all over the world!
Here you can:
👉 join and/or invite others to play fun games and tournaments
👉 learn more about our tabletop games
https://Simplicatus.Games is a publisher and distributor of indie tabletop games, including the family tile-laying game Clustered and our new deck-builder for family/kids, Colour MY Kritters
👉 Create a new game table or tournament and post here in the group so others can join 😍
🌟 If you're not a Premium member, and want to play a Premium game, just ask in the group and other members can help you out!
🤗 Please be nice and respectful to everybody.
🚫 Remarks that are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or about illegal activities will result in an immediate ban.
🎲 Good luck and have fun!
👉 Type the game name in the top left search field and go to the game’s own page
👉 Find a new game on "Games" (
/gamelist) – you can filter by Players, Time, Complexity, Theme, Mechanism and Specific options
👉 Choose from your favourites on "Play Now" (
/lobby) – click ▶️ "Create"
👉 For other games, go to "Play Now" and scroll down to "Find a game" – type the game name in the search field, click ▶️"Play now" or the image (NOT the game title), and then ▶️ "Create"
✅ Important: Choose 🕑 "Turn-based", not ⚡"Real-time"
✅ Select number of players
✅ Important: Restrict table access to "Fans of Simplicatus Games"
👉 On the page "Play Now", click "Restrict table access" to the right of "Players at this table"
👉 On the game’s own page, click on the green door icon
👉 Under "Restrict to Group", choose "Fans of Simplicatus Games"
✅ If you want to, adjust other game options below (expansions etc)
✅ Click ▶️ "Start" or ▶️ "Open table to other players"
✅ Copy the URL to the table you just created
✅ Go to "Recent Activity" in this group and create a new post
✅ Paste the table URL, write the game name and other useful info
✅ When you have posted, wait for people to join!
👉 Most lighter-weight games fill up fast
👉 Heavier games may take a bit longer, so you might want to select fewer players
✅ After a few days, if the tables don't fill up, they will get cancelled automatically
👉 If you want to avoid that, you can start the games before the tables have filled up
❓ Any questions? Just ask in the group!