MReg14 spends 3 to tend 1
MReg14 spends 3 to plant 1
MReg14 places on A mezők
07:09 PM
MReg14 resets all actions and starts the entire turn over
07:06 PM
MReg14 places on A mezők
06:29 PM
theplant places on Vegyesbolt
03:43 PM
theplant resets all actions and starts the entire turn over
03:41 PM
theplant places on A mezők
03:40 PM
lynnkni spends 3 to plant 3
03:21 PM
lynnkni places on Termelői piac
03:20 PM
MReg14 places on Vegyesbolt
02:13 PM
theplant selects Sunrise Tile 9
11:37 AM
lynnkni selects Sunrise Tile 3
02:04 AM
MReg14 selects Sunrise Tile 2
3/17/2025 12:58 AM
theplant spends 3 to tend 1
theplant spends 3 to plant 1
08:09 PM
theplant places on A mezők
08:08 PM
lynnkni places on Vegyesbolt
03:32 PM
MReg14 places on Műhely
02:45 PM
theplant places on Vegyesbolt
02:34 PM
lynnkni places on Vegyesbolt
01:01 PM
theplant places on Termelői piac
12:58 PM
lynnkni places on Vegyesbolt
12:55 PM
MReg14 places on Termelői piac
12:54 PM
lynnkni selects Sunrise Tile 5
12:48 PM
MReg14 upgrades 1 to 1
12:47 PM
MReg14 upgrades 1 to 1
12:46 PM
MReg14 upgrades 1 to 1
12:45 PM
MReg14 selects Sunrise Tile 3
12:44 PM
theplant selects Sunrise Tile 7
12:41 PM
lynnkni selects Penny a malac
12:40 PM
MReg14 selects River a róka
theplant selects Leland a béka
12:39 PM
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