osugonzalez moves to the Főváros
osugonzalez moves to the Sivatag
12:28 AM
Ohio-g moves to the Főváros (Dispatch)
3/19/2025 12:03 AM
osugonzalez moves to the Part
07:09 PM
osugonzalez increases by 1 (Accelerate)
06:35 PM
——— Blue Defender's Turn ———
The Plains, Erdő are being attacked
Ohio-g megvédi Erdő-t
06:29 PM
osugonzalez megvédi Plains-t
06:19 PM
The Plains, Erdő are being attacked
Sivatag decreases to Level 0
Ohio-g secures the Sivatag (Enchant)
06:18 PM
Ruins decreases to Level 0
Ohio-g secures the Ruins (Enchant)
06:17 PM
——— Green Defender's Turn ———
Hegyek decreases to Level 0
terrepin secures the Hegyek (Villám)
03:26 PM
terrepin moves to the Hegyek
03:24 PM
terrepin meggyógyítja 4 (Rest)
——— Yellow Defender's Turn ———
Sivatag decreases to Level 1
TrogdorBeefyArm secures the Sivatag
Sivatag decreases to Level 2
TrogdorBeefyArm secures the Sivatag
03:02 PM
TrogdorBeefyArm moves to the Sivatag
03:01 PM
TrogdorBeefyArm meggyógyítja 2 (Rest)
——— Red Defender's Turn ———
Hegyek increases to Level 2
Sivatag increases to Level 3
The Sivatag, Hegyek are being attacked
Sivatag increases to Level 2 (Raze)
Manticore megtámadja Sivatag
Ruins increases to Level 1
Fantomok megtámadja Ruins
The Hegyek, Plains are being attacked
osugonzalez megvédi Plains-t
Hegyek increases to Level 1
The Hegyek, Plains are being attacked
——— Reshuffle Turn Cards ———
osugonzalez használja: Játékos és eldobja: Yellow Defender's Turn
02:16 PM
osugonzalez visszavonja az utolsó akciót
osugonzalez moves to the Hegyek
02:14 PM
osugonzalez increases by 1 (Accelerate)
terrepin moves to the Főváros
terrepin sacrifices 1 (Zodiákus Köpeny)
terrepin használja a Zodiákus Köpeny-t
01:50 PM
——— Blue Defender's Turn ———
osugonzalez meggyógyítja 1 (Retribution)
Ohio-g veszít 1 (Retribution)
01:35 PM
The Plains, Erdő are being attacked
Ohio-g megvédi Erdő-t
01:34 PM
osugonzalez megvédi Plains-t
12:41 PM
The Plains, Erdő are being attacked
——— Plains & Forest ———
12:14 PM
TrogdorBeefyArm moves to the Főváros
The next cards are Plains & Forest, Blue Defender's Turn, Yellow Defender's Turn (Mirage)
12:13 PM
TrogdorBeefyArm veszít 1 (Mirage)
TrogdorBeefyArm használja: Mirage
TrogdorBeefyArm moves to the Sivatag
TrogdorBeefyArm moves to the Főváros
3/18/2025 12:12 PM
terrepin moves to the Hegyek
01:06 PM
terrepin sacrifices 1 (Zodiákus Köpeny)
terrepin használja a Zodiákus Köpeny-t
01:05 PM
——— Red Defender's Turn ———
terrepin megszerzi a Zodiákus Köpeny-t
terrepin megvédi Ruins-t
01:04 PM
Fantomok megtámadja Ruins
The Hegyek, Plains are being attacked
osugonzalez megvédi Plains-t
12:50 PM
TrogdorBeefyArm megvédi Hegyek-t
12:08 PM
The Hegyek, Plains are being attacked
Plains decreases to Level 0
Ohio-g secures the Plains (Enchant)
Erdő decreases to Level 0
Ohio-g secures the Erdő
3/17/2025 02:54 AM
——— Green Defender's Turn ———
——— Reshuffle Turn Cards ———
06:39 PM
terrepin entombs Sivatag & Hegyek
terrepin moves to the Ruins
06:38 PM
——— Yellow Defender's Turn ———
Hegyek decreases to Level 0
TrogdorBeefyArm secures the Hegyek
Hegyek decreases to Level 1
TrogdorBeefyArm secures the Hegyek
05:42 PM
TrogdorBeefyArm moves to the Hegyek
3/16/2025 05:41 PM
——— Red Defender's Turn ———
Sivatag decreases to Level 0
Ohio-g secures the Sivatag
06:49 PM
Ohio-g moves to the Sivatag
06:48 PM
——— Green Defender's Turn ———
Plains decreases to Level 1
osugonzalez secures the Plains
06:01 PM
osugonzalez moves to the Plains
03:03 PM
terrepin moves to the Hegyek (Transport)
01:08 PM
osugonzalez moves to the Hegyek
11:45 AM
——— Blue Defender's Turn ———
Plains increases to Level 2
Hegyek increases to Level 2
The Hegyek, Plains are being attacked
Hegyek increases to Level 1
Sivatag increases to Level 1
The Sivatag, Hegyek are being attacked
Erdő increases to Level 1
Plains increases to Level 1
The Plains, Erdő are being attacked
——— Plains & Forest ———
3/15/2025 12:18 AM
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